AEJMC offers additional sessions that may require pre-registration and/or a fee in addition to the conference registration fee. You can view these sessions below. All of these sessions are optional. (06.08.23)
Sunday, August 6 (Pre-Conference Workshops)
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
(w01) Innovating Data Storytelling and Visualization with AI & ChatGPT — (Off-site Workshop)
Sponsored by Advertising Division
$50 Fee; $25 for Graduate Students (Participation limited to 50)
A thought-provoking and inspiring conference about data storytelling and visualization with AI/ChatGPT. Join the one-day Ad Division Pre-Conference Teaching Workshop to learn from educators in the field and industry leaders about the latest tools for creating interactive data stories and engaging visualizations. Learn new techniques, make valuable connections, and develop a better understanding of the potential of AI/ChatGPT and ChatGPT-driven interactive experiences. In addition, we will host an experiential workshop focusing on syllabus design and class activities for a data storytelling course. Pre-registration is required and is open to all AEJMC members. Register through AEJMC. Please contact ADVD Teaching and Pedagogy Chair Shanshan Lou at with questions. Workshop will be held at ASU Washington Center, 1800 I Street, NW, Washington, DC 20006. (ADVD)
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
(w20) Sacred Spaces Tour: Washington, D.C. Edition
Sponsored by Religion and Media Interest Group
$16 Fee (Participation limited to 30)
The Religion and Media Interest Group is once again hosting its annual Sacred Spaces bus tour of important religious sites around the city. The tour lasts all day and will include a stop for lunch. A complete itinerary will be provided to participants closer to the conference, but confirmed stops include the Metropolitan African Methodist Episcopal Church, Institute for Social Policy and Understanding (Muslim American Research Center) National Cathedral and the Holocaust Memorial. Because we will be visiting sacred spaces, participants are asked to dress modestly – no shorts, short skirts, or exposed shoulders. Some sites may ask women to cover their hair, so it requested to bring a scarf along. For more information contact Omar Hammad at (RMIG)
8:00 a.m. to Noon
Starting a Local News Partnership
Sponsored by Newspaper and Online News Division
FREE (Participation limited to 25)
Partnerships between colleges/universities and local news platforms provide needed local news content and applied learning experiences for students. These arrangements go beyond the traditional student media opportunities to instead serve off-campus communities where advanced students do the writing, editing, shooting video, and publishing. The Center for Community News has identified more than 120 of these partnerships across the United States and will be presenting best practices. Then, participants will work together to plan and discuss their own existing or potential partnerships. The training will include a discussion of financial models, academic credit, sustainability, local partnerships and the specific needs and questions of attendees. Attendees are expected to bring ideas about what partnerships between their university and a community news outlet might work or how to move their current one forward. Participants will leave with plans and concrete next steps. For information contact Richard Watts at the Center for Community News at (NOND)
8:30 a.m. to Noon – (Offsite)
(w07) Indigenous Communities and the Media
Sponsored by Cultural and Critical Studies Division (Off-site Workshop)
$15 Fee (Participation limited to 40)
Organized by: Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication, Arizona State University, and Indian Country Today
Co-hosted by Indian Country Today editor-at-large Mark Trahant, this half-day workshop will explore the complex relationships between Indigenous communities and media of all kinds, from news to entertainment to social platforms. It will also be a space for discussing the challenges of including these topics in journalism and media studies curricula, often in the absence of Indigenous faculty or others personally familiar with the topic. Key themes this year will include Developing Pedagogical Resources for teaching about Indigenous media, including sample syllabi, lesson plans, readings that accurately and appropriate represent Indigenous people and the history of Indigenous media; coverage of Indigenous stories in legacy or mainstream news outlets, including the presence (or more likely, absence) of Indigenous voices in coverage of broader issues such as politics, economics, climate change, crime, public health, and more; and representation of Indigenous people and communities in popular culture. The preconference will also be an opportunity to discuss issues such as communication infrastructure and data sovereignty in Indigenous communities. Each key theme will be introduced with a brief presentation, then opened to discussion by participants. The preconference is intended to be of interest to members of these communities across North America, journalists and others who write about Indigenous peoples, educators interested in decolonizing their curriculum when teaching about today’s journalism landscape and journalism history, and all scholars interested in understanding the dynamics of Native communities, media and audiences. Coffee and light breakfast refreshments will be offered. This session will be held at the ASU Washington, DC campus, 160 W. 1800 St. NW, Washington, D.C. Pre-registration is required. For information contact Dawn Gilpin, Arizona State University, (CCSD)
9 to 11:30 a.m.
Intersectionality Beyond Theory
Sponsored by Commission on the Status of Women and Commission on the Status of Minorities
FREE (Participation limited to 24)
Building on last year’s AEJMC colloquium on intersectionality, this interactive workshop focuses on the ways the often-misunderstood concept can be incorporated into your classroom, programming, service, and, of course, research and public scholarship. A panel will open the discussion then facilitate each table of participants in a collaborative session of ideas, experiences, and takeaways. This workshop is open to scholars of various expertise and backgrounds. For more information, contact Carolyn Nielsen at or Kathleen McElroy at (CSWN, CSMN)
10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
(w11) Identity and Wellness for Graduate Students & Early Career Faculty (Off-site Workshop)
Sponsored by Public Relations Division and Commission on Graduate Education
No Fee, but registration required (Participation limited to 50)
There are many challenges in exploring work-life balance in graduate school and afterward. The challenges can vary depending on the type of university one works for, and the demands that accompany a graduate student or early career faculty’s status. This half-day workshop will combine the topics of research, teaching, and professional development with issues of wellness and identity. In truth, universities everywhere are demanding more of individuals, including integrating their own personal narratives into job materials, such as DEI, teaching, and research statements. Panelists will walk attendees through finding a research identity and explore how to create a personal narrative around their teaching and professional development. The goals will be to demystify some of the terminology of teaching and research, while providing graduate students and early career professionals with wellness tools. By the end of the workshop, attendees will have a better understanding of teaching versus research-focused jobs and how to navigate writing powerful DEI, teaching, and research statements. Pre-registration is required. This workshop will be held at Howard University, MET Building, 300 Bryant Street, NW, Washington, DC 20001. For information Chris Wilson ( (PRDV) or Bobbie Foster (, (CSGE).
1:00 to 5:00 p.m.
(w18) Fostering Financial Literacy for Media Scholars
Sponsored by Cultural and Critical Studies Division
$25 Fee Tenured Faculty and $15 Fee for Term Faculty (Participation limited to 40)
This half-day pre-conference will offer a forum for financial dialogue between junior and senior scholars, as we collaboratively develop strategies to improve transparency about compensation in our fields. This round-table workshop will examine the complexities surrounding funding and labor practices in the university context. Scholars of all career stages will discuss challenges and share strategies we have successfully used to negotiate contracts, assess the value of various types of work, and advocate for ourselves in the workplace. We especially encourage attendance by underrepresented scholars and folks from less resourced programs. Sessions will foster lasting mentorship opportunities. Attendees may be invited to brainstorm a journal special issue on labor conditions in media studies. Light refreshments will be provided. Pre-registration is required. For information contact Chelsea Reynolds, California State, Fullerton, (CCSD).
1:00 to 5:00 p.m.
(w09) Oh, the Places You’ll Go: Key Tips for International and Black, Indigenous, and People of Color to Get an Academic Job and Thrive in Academe
Sponsored by International Communication Division
$10 Fee (Participation limited to 40)
Getting the first job after completing the graduate program is a daunting task for international students and students of color in the U.S. From making a good teaching portfolio to having some publications and even building a network in an unknown socio-cultural environment could be overwhelming for an international applicant and an applicant of color aspiring for a job in any academic institution in the U.S. This professional development workshop will address these issues and help the participants to comprehend the total process of applying and getting a job. The facilitators are from diverse backgrounds and represent various countries but who are working in the U.S. now. We will cover the following areas during the workshop: Preparing Application Package, Building Teaching Portfolio, Research Profile, Phone/zoom and Campus Interviews, and Networking. Pre-registration is required. For information Delaware Arif at (INTC).
1:00 to 5:00 p.m.
Academic Job Market Readiness Workshop
Sponsored by Newspaper and Online News Division
FREE, registration limited to Graduate Students
What does a “job ready” CV look like? What about a research statement? Or a teaching statement? What questions might come at you in the interview process? How do you position my work for the job market? The academic job market is confusing and intimidating for even the most seasoned scholars. This pre-conference workshop will give doctoral students one-on-one face time with senior scholars to answer questions, provide feedback on CVs, sample cover letters, research and teaching statements, and other common documents. In the opening panel, early- and mid-career scholars will share their experiences on the job market, but the remainder of the time will be dedicated to workshop-style sessions where doctoral students are assigned to meet with and get feedback from multiple tenured or advanced tenure-track faculty from both research and teaching institutions. Pre-registration is required. For information contact Chris Etheridge at (NOND).
1:00 p.m. to 5 p.m.
(w05) Reimagining Journalism Education
Sponsored by Participatory Journalism and Community Journalism Interest Groups
(Off-site Workshop)
As journalism as a field seeks to reimagine itself to become more equitable and inclusive, how can journalism education do the same? As educators, researchers, and practitioners working to nudge the field in the direction of greater equity, how can we collaborate on shifting our ideals into the bread-and-butter practices of journalism basics training? In this half-day session, we will tackle sticky questions, highlight people and organizations who have figured out elements of them, and exchange ‘asks and offers’ for how we can collaborate to implement and operationalize our ideals. In panels and small group activities we will explore: How to integrate best practices for DEI and community engagement across journalism departments’ curriculums? And how can practitioners, researchers, and educators more effectively collaborate to ensure we are exchanging best practices in accessible ways? This preconference is a collaboration between the American Press Institute and the Engaged Journalism Exchange, a project which seeks to connect scholars and practitioners interested in research to make journalism stronger, more equitable, and more connected to communities and publics. Workshop will be held at: Northwestern's Medill Washington Bureau, 1301 K St, NW, Washington D.C., To be placed on a waiting list please use this Google form: For information contact Andrea Wenzel, (PJIG, COMJ).
1:00 to 5:00 p.m.
(w06) The Future of Small Programs in the 21st Century
Sponsored by Small Programs Interest Group
$10 Fee
This workshop will include panelists currently serving at universities with small programs. Topics for discussion to include research-based findings on the current state of small programs, practical suggestions for possible program changes and recruiting practices that audience members can consider for implementation in their departments, how SPIG can be used as a resource for small programs, along with other topics. Pre-registration is required. For information contact Brian Steffen, Simpson College, or Christina Smith, Georgia College, (SPIG)
1:00 p.m. to 5 p.m.
(w19) The Potential of AI in the Newsroom, Education, and Research: Practical Implementation Strategies Sponsored by the Standing Committee on Career Development
$15 Fee
This workshop will explore practical uses of AI tools in education, practice, and research. Participants will learn how to leverage AI for teaching and learning, decision-making and productivity, and in their research activities. We will also cover ethical considerations and best practices. Attendees will leave with a deeper understanding of AI's potential and strategies for incorporating these tools into their work. The workshop is divided into three mini-sessions: AI in the Newsroom (1:00-2:15), AI in Teaching (2:25-3:35), and Using AI Tools in Research (3:45-5:00). The “AI in the Newsroom” panel provides insights into how AI tools will change news work, e.g. information gathering, supporting the writing process. The session on “AI in Teaching” explores opportunities and challenges of using AI tools in the classroom. The final panel on “Using AI Tools in Research” showcases how exciting tools can support researchers in their work, e.g. finding relevant literature, analyzing data. Pre-registration is required. Those registered can attend all three or some of the sessions. For additional information contact Hong Cheng, (Committee on Career Development).
1:00 to 5:00 p.m.
Women Faculty Moving Forward: Securing the Future
Sponsored by Lillian Lodge Kopenhaver Center for the Advancement of Women in Communication at Florida International University, the Commission on the Status of Women and the Council of Affiliates
Must Pre-register with contact below (Participation limited to 40)
This annual workshop with accomplished academics will help junior women faculty move forward in their careers through mentoring, networking and preparing for tenure and promotion and administration and leadership positions. By prior application only. Contact for workshop is Lillian Lodge Kopenhaver at (Lillian Lodge Kopenhaver Center for the Advancement of Women in Communication at Florida International University, the Commission on the Status of Women and the Council of Affiliates)
5:00 to 6:00 p.m.
Kopenhaver Center Fellows Reception
Sponsored by Lillian Lodge Kopenhaver Center for the Advancement of Women in Communication at Florida International University, the Commission on the Status of Women and the Scripps Howard Foundation
By Invitation Only
All past and present Kopenhaver Center Fellows are welcome to join us for this reception and informal networking time. Thank you to the Scripps Howard Foundation for their sponsorship. Contact is Lillian Lodge Kopenhaver at (Lillian Lodge Kopenhaver Center for the Advancement of Women in Communication at Florida International University, the Commission on the Status of Women and the Scripps Howard Foundation)
7:30 p.m. to 10 p.m.
(w12) History Division Awards Gala
$5 Fee
Sponsored by History Division
The History Division Awards Gala will recognize our top award winners of the year and celebrate the importance of journalism history. Pre-registration is required. For information, contact Rachel Grant at (HIST)
Conference Breakfasts/Luncheons/Fun Run
7 a.m. to 6 p.m.
(w13) AEJMC Fun Run — Daily Opportunities
$10 Fee
Sponsored by AEJMC Council of Divisions
The 2023 Fun Run will leave from the conference hotel lobby at the designated times throughout the week of the conference. Participants receive a finisher medal featuring the 2023 conference logo, and funds raised benefit graduate student travel scholarships. If you have any questions, feel free to join the “AEJMC Running + Walking Club” on Facebook. (AEJMC)
Monday, August 7, 2023
12:30 to 2 p.m.
(w21) Commission on Graduate Education Luncheon
$5 Fee
Sponsored by Commission on Graduate Education
The Commission on Graduate Education invites graduate and undergraduate students to participate in the first Commission luncheon. The luncheon will include presentation of our top-paper awards, activities, and quality conversation to help AEJMC student participants to find a community. The luncheon kicks off the week of AEJMC activities, so it is a perfect opportunity to meet new friends, co-authors, and conference colleagues. Pre-registration is required. For information, contact Patrick Johnson at . (CSGE)
Tuesday, August 8, 2023
8:30 to 10 a.m.
(w14) Kappa Tau Alpha Advisors’ Breakfast
$15 Fee
Sponsored by Kappa Tau Alpha
All advisors from KTA chapters are welcome to attend. KTA remains committed to its guiding principles of Knowledge, Truth and Accuracy. Pre-registration is required. For information, contact Beverly Horvit at (KTA)
12:30 to 2 p.m.
(w15) Kappa Tau Alpha/AEJMC Award Luncheon
$60 Fee
Sponsored by Kappa Tau Alpha and AEJMC
This luncheon recognizes both associations’ award winners and divisions’ top student paper winners. Anyone is welcome to attend. KTA remains committed to its guiding principles of Knowledge, Truth and Accuracy. Pre-registration is required. For information, contact Beverly Horvit at (KTA, AEJMC)
12:30 to 2 p.m.
(w17) Teacher of the Year Annual (Offsite) Luncheon — (City Tap Room)
$50 Fee (Participation limited to 50)
Sponsored by Small Programs Interest Group
Teacher of the Year luncheon will be held at City Tap Room. Pre-Registration is Required. For additional information contact Masudul Biswas at (SPIG)
6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
(w02) Public Relations Division Annual Social — (Off-site Social)
FEES: Early bird registration: Regular members: $15 Grad students: $12
Regular registration: Regular registration: $18 Regular members: $15
At the door: $20
The PRD Annual Social is an evening for members and others to network, catch up, and meet new colleagues. Book raffles and door prizes add to the fun, along with local food and drinks. Any AEJMC member is welcome to attend. Pre-registration is required. For additional information, contact Nell Horowitz, or Minhee Choi (PRDV)
7 to 8:30 p.m.
(w22) Edward L. Bliss and Larry Burkum Award Ceremony — (Off-site Social)
$20 Fee (Participation limited to 50)
Sponsored by Broadcast and Mobile Journalism Division
Edward L. Bliss and Larry Burkum Award Ceremony / BAMJ Social to Tuesday from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. Location will be the Ed Bliss Memorial Newsroom at American University. Note that charter transportation will leave from the hotel at 6:30. Pre-registration required for transportation. For additional information contact Dylan McLemore at (BAMJ)
Wednesday, August 9, 2023
12:30 to 2 p.m.
(w16) Visual Communication Division Annual (Offsite) Luncheon — Del Frisco’s Double Eagle Steakhouse
$60 Fee (this covers meal, non-alcoholic beverages, taxes, gratuity) (Participation limited to 50)
Sponsored by Visual Communication Division
Join us for the Visual Communication division’s annual luncheon at Del Frisco’s Double Eagle Steakhouse. Expect to enjoy some of the restaurants signature dishes, our guest speaker TBD, and lots of time to meet and mingle with other members. Any AEJMC member is welcome to attend. Pre-registration is required. For additional information contact Michael Fagans at (VISC)