Teaching Committee

Welcome to the Public Relations Division's Teaching Committee Blog Page!

The Teaching Committee is responsible for the following:

● TRAINING and RESOURCES– Attend training for incoming teaching chairs on the last morning of the convention prior to the term of office. 

● INITIATIVES– Strive to arrange programming and document member accomplishments  in the four areas of: 

a. Curriculum – The philosophy, design and examination of issues, developments, and trends in building curriculum.  

b. Leadership – Organizational efforts to recognize and enhance good teaching, mentoring and ways of thinking about teaching and learning.  

c. Course Content and Teaching Methods – Examining teaching techniques and strategies.  

d. Assessment – Weighing the effectiveness of teaching.  

● Distribute communications about teaching initiatives via the PRD listserv, newsletter and/or homepage.  

● CONVENTION– Actively encourage and advise members on the submission of teaching-related panel proposals. Report the top three teaching papers and student paper submissions/acceptance data to the head. Serve as moderator/discussant for the presentations of teaching papers and/or student papers at the convention. Encourage authors of the top three teaching papers to submit their manuscripts for priority processing with JPRE.  

OUT-OF-CONVENTION– Actively encourage members to report out-of-convention teaching accomplishments (papers, presentations, innovations, etc.). Compile and report these accomplishments to the head for the annual report. Encourage pedagogy,  in general, and submissions to JPRE. 


Chair / Kim Marks Malone / ksmarks@memphis.edu
Vice-Chair / Carolyn Smith Casertano / carolynsmith@arizona.edu
Committee Member / Amanda Bradshaw / asbrads1@olemiss.edu
Committee Member / Betsy Emmons / eemmons3@unl.edu
Committee Member / Breann Murphy / bmurphy5@jsu.edu
Committee Member / Jeff Ranta / jranta@coastal.edu
Committee Member / Kate Stewart / kdstewart@jsu.edu
Committee Member / Yufan “Sunny” Qin / qin2yx@jsu.edu
Committee Member / Adrienne Wallace / wallacad@gvsu.edu
Committee Member / Debra Bethard-Caplick / dbethar1@kennesaw.edu
Committee Member / Kristen Heflin / kheflin2@kennesaw.edu
Immediate Past Chair / Amanda J. Weed / aweed2@kennesaw.edu