Welcome to the Public Relations Divisions' Graduate Student Liaison(s) Blog Page!
The Graduate Student Liaison(s) Committee is responsible for the following:
● INITIATIVES– Set graduate student goals and coordinate outreach and mentoring initiatives. Coordinate efforts with the research chair(s) and membership chair(s) to encourage membership among graduate students. Assist the Roschwalb and Kaiser chairs as needed.
● CONVENTION– Encourage students, particularly those attending universities in the convention’s host city, to participate in convention activities.
● LUNCHEON – Committee coordinates a graduate student luncheon to be held during the annual conference. Chair will recruit the sponsor and organize the RSVP list.
Faculty Adviser / Christen Buckley / University of Florida / buckleychristen@ufl.edu
Co-Chair / Xi Liu, Syracuse University / xliu123@syr.edu
Co-Chair / Feiyun Deng, University of Alabama / fdeng2@crimson.ua.edu
Committee Member / Emily Wheedon, Texas Tech / eweedon@ttu.edu
Committee Member / Kevin S. Hardges, Wayne State University / ai1542@wayne.edu
Committee Member / Xiao Ma, Colorado State University / shawnxxl@colostate.edu
Committee Member / Qi ZHENG, Michigan State U / zhengq16@msu.edu
Committee Member / Qiuyue (Cho) Li, U of Florida / qiuyueli@ufl.edu
Committee Member / Dongya Wang, University of Miami / dxw809@miami.edu