Call for Panels for AEJMC 2023

AEJMC 2023: PJIG Call for Panels 
The Participatory Journalism Interest Group (PJIG) is now accepting panel proposals for the 2023
AEJMC 2023 Conference at the Marriott Marquis Washington, D.C.:
Monday, Aug. 7 – Thursday, Aug. 10.
Deadline: Friday, October 7, 2022.

Send form below to Andrea Wenzel (

Why submit to the Participatory Journalism Interest Group?
Do you have an idea for a panel that explores ways journalism involves the public in some aspect of
producing, circulating, or discussing news and information? This might mean online or offline practices
such as participatory or engaged journalism, citizen journalism, community-centered journalism, direct
service journalism, social media engagement, crowdsourcing, citizen’s agendas, collaborations between
journalists and community organizations or influencers, etc. This is an exciting time for participatory
journalism—from the expansion of innovative participatory programs in the like City Bureau’s
Documenters in the U.S., or the Bureau Local in the U.K., to an array of local and national efforts to use
participatory approaches to elections coverage (and don’t forget AEJMC will be in Washington D.C.
during a heated election season). We’re interested in critically exploring what such approaches may mean for efforts to build more reciprocal, equitable, and accountable relationships between journalism and diverse publics, and for the future of journalism and journalism education.
What types of panels do you want?
We need a mix of teaching, professional freedom and responsibility (PF&R), and research panels:
 Teaching panels may discuss teaching ideas, challenges, innovations, technologies, etc. that are
relevant to participatory/engaged journalism, community media and/or considerations of media,
race, gender and participation in and out of the classroom. They must address one of the
following general areas identified by the AEJMC Standing Committee on Teaching Standards:
1. Curriculum development including the philosophy, design, and examination of issues,
developments, and trends in journalism or global communication.
2. Leadership issues, especially the administrative and organizational efforts formulated to
address the changes in the field of journalism and mass communication.
3. Course content and methods showcasing innovative teaching techniques and strategies.
4. Assessment reports highlighting diverse range of activities measuring the effectiveness of
journalism education.
 Professional Freedom & Responsibility (PF&R) panels should focus on one or more of the
following areas: freedom of expression; ethics; media criticism & accountability; racial, gender
and cultural inclusiveness; or public service.
 Research panels should focus on original, innovative and trending research by a panel of experts
on a topic related to national and international communication, with a focus on core interests of
the group as noted above (under why submit to PJIG).
Who should I put on my panel?
Diversity matters! Please keep this in mind when you’re thinking about potential panelists. Race,
ethnicity and gender identity are key factors to consider, of course, but so is geography. Think about how
you might be able to pull together people from different regions or continents to talk about an issue. See if
you can get a diversity of scholars (including graduate students, non-tenure track faculty as well as
tenured/tenure-track faculty) plus people from the industry, where relevant. Aim for about 3 panelists in
your proposal and bear in mind if another division chooses to co-sponsor the panel, they may want to add
additional panelists.

What are some examples of recent panels (and co-sponsors)?
In 2022 PJIG panels included:
 “Participatory Journalism and Identity”- panel exploring how journalists’ identities shape their
work engaging historically marginalized communities, co-sponsored by Commission on the
Status of Minorities
 “Helping Students Collaborate with Audiences Through Social Media” –panel exploring
strategies for teaching social media in journalism courses, co-sponsored by Communication
Theory and Methodology Division
 “The Engaged Journalist: Paradoxes, Challenges, and Opportunities for Journalistic Engagement
with Audiences” –panel exploring how journalists engage with audiences while grappling with
risks of harassment, threats, burnout, and alienation from the field, led by Newspaper and Online
News Division and co-sponsored by PJIG.
 “Reporting the “Real World”: Encouraging Journalism Students Toward Off-Campus
Stories and Sources” –panel exploring how journalism professors incentivize and encourage off-
campus reporting and storytelling, led by Community Journalism and co-sponsored by PJIG
Why does it ask me for a panel co-sponsor?
AEJMC divisions and interest groups are encouraged to co-sponsor panels. Panels including co-
sponsoring divisions/interest groups/commissions have a better chance of being accepted, because they
are likely to be of wider interest at the conference and give the interest group a chance to take part in
more sessions.
How do I submit?
Send panel proposals using the form below to Andrea Wenzel (
by October 7 th . This is an AEJMC-wide deadline and cannot be extended.
Directions for completing the form-
All proposals should be one-page in length (single-spaced) and include the following:
1. Panel title: Be creative and broad with your title – keep in mind current trending issues and the
potential for attracting co-sponsors.
2. Panel type: A statement of whether the panel would be a Teaching, Research or Professional
Freedom and Responsibility panel.
3. Panel Description: Describe clearly in one paragraph the key issues or subject matter to be
addressed by the panelists and why the panel’s topic is important.
4. Panel Co-sponsorship: Suggestions for divisions or interest groups that might be interested in co-
sponsoring the panel.
5. Possible Panelists [about 3]: Names of proposed panelists, affiliation, demographic data (race,
ethnicity, gender identity and pronouns) and contact information for each. Please indicate whether
they have committed to participate. AEJMC tracks diversity among panelists, moderators and
discussants, so please keep that in mind when planning. Limited funds for travel reimbursement
are available for panel participants who are not AEJMC members. The deadline for those requests
is late January. Whenever possible, please try to find local panelists (Washington D.C.) or
AEJMC members whom you expect will be attending the convention.
6. Panel Moderator: Provide the name of the person who will moderate the panel (this can be you or
someone you nominate).
7. Contact Person: Provide the name, affiliation, email, and phone number for the person proposing
the panel.

(1)     Tentative Panel Title:
(2)    Panel Type (Research, Teaching, or PF & R):
(3)    Panel Sponsorship:  Indicate other AEJMC Divisions or Interest Groups for which this proposal
might prove relevant.  (Please note:  Sole-sponsored panel proposals will be considered.  However, the
majority of AEJMC panels tend to be co-sponsored across Divisions and Interest Groups.)
(4)    Description of Panel:  Provide a succinct description in paragraph form of the key issues or subject
matter to be addressed by the panelists.
(5)    Possible Panelists:  Indicate individuals (or types of individuals) who would be appropriate
participants for this panel and their D/IG/Commission affiliations if known. Note that it is very important
that panels show diversity and balance across co-sponsored groups.
(6)    Moderator:  This can be you or someone you nominate to moderate the panel. It can be TBD.
(7)    Contact Person:  Include your name, mailing address, e-mail address, and telephone number as the
contact person for this panel proposal.