Teaching Ideas Competition

Teaching Ideas Competition

The Teaching Committee of AEJMC’s Mass Communication and Society Division is excited to launch the Teaching Ideas Competition award to recognize innovation and excellence in teaching in the field of mass communication. This award builds upon the idea of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL), which treats teaching as part of research agendas, using the same formal methodological techniques and standards of peer review.

To fit within the concept of SoTL, this award honors projects that pose hypotheses or research questions that aim to probe questions such as: what it means to teach, how learning happens, and how teachers and students can work together to enrich learning. This award is open to a wide range of qualitative and quantitative approaches, but the methods used (and their theoretical grounding) should be made explicit.

Monetary awards of $250 for first place, $150 for second place, and $75 for third place will be presented to the winners at the MCS Division business meeting. Winners will be recognized at the Awards Luncheon.

Full-time faculty, adjunct professors, and graduate student instructors who have taught at least one course in the field of mass communication. All entrants must be members of the MCS Division.


Submit the following information electronically as ONE PDF and include the applicant’s name in the title of the file. Include the following information in the order requested:

  • Current curriculum vita
  • One document of your teaching idea. Please clearly specify what type of courses and the target level (undergraduate, graduate or professional) the idea is intended for. This document should contain the following components:
    • A statement (no more than 5 pages) of the teaching question or problem you hope to address that discusses why it is important.
    • Details of the data collection methods to be employed.
    • Details of how the data will be analyzed.
    • A section that discusses where the project is in its process. Projects in process are welcome, but winning projects should have preliminary results to discuss at the AEJMC conference.

All materials should be submitted electronically in PDF format to the Awards Chair Juan Liu juanliu@towson.edu, by 11:59 pm EDT on April 30.

Winners for each category will be decided by the Vice Head and Teaching Committee members. Winners will be recognized by the Teaching Chair at the MCS Division business meeting at the national conference, as well as listed on the Division Website.


First Place – Nan Yu (University of Central Florida)
Second Place – Yu Guo (Macau University of Science and Technology)

Lisa Farman (Ithaca College) and Dennis Charsky (Ithaca College)

First Place: Peter Bobkowski, University of Kansas

Second Place: Brian J. Bowe, Sheila Webb, Western Washington University

Third Place: Xi Cui, College of Charleston

2018: Yue Zheng, California State University – Northridge